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Welcome to the Project Upward Bound (PUB) Program at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. PUB is an educational assistance program funded by the U.S. Department of Education. It is designed to assist qualifying high school students in developing the skills and motivation necessary for successful completion of post-secondary education or training. Services are provided to participants during the regular school year (Academic Year Program) and during six weeks in the summer (Summer Program).
A special college preparatory program (The Summer Bridge Program) is also offered for Upward Bound seniors who have graduated and plan to attend SIU.
This fun school program includes:
About Upward Bound
The Project Upward Bound program provides educational opportunities for students to succeed in high school and prepare them for higher education.
Academic Advising
- Individual advising
- Parent involvement
- Saturday academies: college advising, major and more...
Summer Program
- 6-week summer program
- Preparation courses for the next academic year
Meet at least ONE of the following criteria:
- First-generation: parents do not have a 4-year degree from the U.S.
- Low-income: based on taxable income
- High risk: based on grades and test scores