Summer Programs
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During the summer, a six-week residential program is held on the SIU campus. Students are selected for participation in the summer program on the basis of their high school grade point average and their attendance and participation in the academic year sessions. All students are required to attend at least one summer session during their tenure with the Upward Bound program. Students attend morning classes in mathematics, science, literature, Spanish and English composition. These classes are designed to improve and enrich students’ academic competencies for post-secondary education. Afternoons are devoted to study skills and fine arts instruction, structured individual and group activities, improvement of library skills, career awareness, and personal counseling. “Study time” is provided in the evenings. Special events such as sports and recreational activities designed for social enrichment are also planned.
There is no cost to the students or their parents for participation in Project Upward Bound or its activities. During the summer program, meals, lodging, transportation, supplies, and an insurance fee are paid by the Project. Students may need their own money for some recreational activities, personal items, and care of personal clothing.
Summer Bridge Program
This program is for selected Upward Bound seniors who have graduated from high school and plan on attending SIU. These students are selected on the basis of their high school grade point average and previous program participation. The total number of students participating in the Bridge Program is dependent upon the availability of funds. During the summer residential program, these students take regular University courses. The Bridge Program is designed to aid students in making a successful transition from high school to college. Course selection is supervised by the Upward Bound staff in an effort to ensure an academic challenge, improve students’ knowledge and skills, and ensure successful completion of the courses.